Browsing: VeChain

About VeChain Technology | Company Profile

Launched in 2015, VeChain Technology is a global leading enterprise-friendly blockchain company which aims to connect blockchain technology to the real world by providing enterprises with blockchain-enabled solutions suited to their business needs.

It offers VeChain ToolChain™, a low-code blockchain-based SaaS platform that allows enterprise clients to rapidly build and drive digital transformation on a global scale, enabling the evolution of a trust-free and a distributed ecosystem.

VeChain Technology is a pioneer of real-world blockchain applications, with international offices in ChinaSingaporeLuxembourgJapanFranceItaly and the United States. With strong independent development capabilities, combined with the professional compliance guidance of our strategic partners, PwC and DNV GL, VeChain has established partnerships with many leading enterprises in various industries, including Walmart China, Bayer China, BMW Group, BYD Auto, PICC, H&M Group, Shanghai Gas, LVMH, D.I.G, ASI Group etc.


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