Browsing: The Stellar Development Foundation

About The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF)

The Stellar Development Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2014 to support the development and growth of Stellar.

SDF and Stellar seek to unlock the world’s economic potential by making money more fluid, markets more open, and people more empowered.

The way the global financial establishment is structured today, people are born into an economy just like they’re born into a political system. Stellar is a way out: it lets people participate in a worldwide, stable, financial network regardless of where they live.

Just as the internet allowed anyone to send an email or create a blog, Stellar now allows people to easily send, save, and receive money, without large fees or hassle.

The Foundation helps maintain Stellar’s codebase, supports the technical and business communities around Stellar, and is a speaking partner to regulators and institutions.

Read all the latest news, press release, and announcements on The Stellar Development Foundation.