In 2024, Bitget became the second-largest centralized exchange ecosystem by user base globally.
Browsing: Bitget
“By supporting more fiat currencies than our competitors and offering instant fiat on-ramp options, we’re empowering users with convenient and innovative trading solutions,” states Bitget CEO, Gracy Chen.
“This merger will enhance BGB’s role within Bitget’s ecosystem and create new opportunities for it to explore the dynamic decentralized world,” states Bitget CEO, Gracy Chen.
Bitget introduces Bitget Pay, an instant, zero-fee crypto payment service on its app, enabling seamless, secure peer-to-peer transfers worldwide.
Bitget’s new Telegram App Centre, featuring over 600 dApps offer easy access to airdrops, play-to-earn games, and trending Web3 communities, all integrated within the TON ecosystem.
Bitget recorded a net asset inflow of $700 million and 50% growth in traffic in the first half of 2024.
Bitget’s report highlights the explosive growth of the TON blockchain ecosystem, driven by a strong user base and technical innovations. However, challenges like weak DeFi infrastructure and reliance on Telegram raise questions about its global expansion and regulatory risks.
Explore Bitget’s ambitious global recruitment initiative, the Bitget Builders Program, aimed at accelerating crypto adoption through key opinion leaders and influencers worldwide.
The ability to identify promising early-stage tokens can significantly influence investment success. Early-stage tokens often present substantial growth opportunities, but their potential is frequently obscured by…
“Beyond traditional token assets, new asset types such as RWAs and points deserve significant attention,” states Bitget Wallet COO, Alvin Kan.