ViaBTC Capital is an investment platform integrating capital, resources, and post-investment services for blockchain and crypto startups.
Author: Ravi Kumar
Granada replaces the previous consensus algorithm, Emmy+, with Emmy*. Emmy* cuts block times in half from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.
This is Point72 Ventures’ first investment in the crypto space. As part of the transaction, Adam Carson, an operating partner at Point72 Ventures, has joined the Messari board of directors.
Amongst its immediate priorities, Krystal is working to include NFTs, add staking support, and integrating more blockchains.
DigitalArt4Climate aims to empower young artists, designers, and activists worldwide to create art that can inspire people to take action against the global climate crisis.
The new assets were added as part of Bitwise’s July 30, 2021 reconstitution and accounted for over 5 percent share of the total portfolio.
According to data on Better Call Dev (BCD), Tezos total contract calls is now over 11 million, out of which 78 percent are made in 2021.
CES 2022 will feature a new program for the growing digital assets industry, with a focus on non-fungible tokens (NFTs), initial coin offerings (ICOs) and other blockchain-based technologies and businesses.
Blockchain and Crypto startups can now leverage the Mastercard’s Start Path program to connect with its ecosystem of banks, merchants, partners and digital players across the globe to address various industry challenges.
This funding has boosted the company’s valuation to US$2 billion, bringing its status as a crypto unicorn.