Browsing: Moonstake

About Moonstake

Moonstake was established to develop a staking pool protocol to satisfy increasing demands in regional and global blockchain markets. It develops a staking pool protocol and provides business services through partners and companies.

It aims to be the largest staking pool network in Asia by providing an active environment for crypto asset holders. Establishing a clear partnership roadmap with Moonstake represents another significant milestone for continuing to strengthen ties with leading platforms across Asia’s burgeoning Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) ecosystem. Partnership has been announced with Emurgo, Ontology and NEO to boost staking adoption, Binarystar, Japan’s biggest blockchain hub, OIO Holdings Limited (SGX: OIO), a Singapore Catalist-Listed company. Industry’s reputed advisors, such as Lisk and Lawrence Lim of RAMP DEFI support its innovative journey.

As of January, 15, 2021, Moonstake’s total staking assets exceeded over USD 180 Million.

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