Browsing: HealthNet

What is HealthNet?

HealthNet, is a HIPAA-compliant Platform-as-a-Service that medical IoT (IoMT) devices can plug into for highly traceable data management, security, and provenance, while leveraging EHR integration capabilities. HealthNet leverages HIPAA-compliant cloud infrastructure, advanced data blinding algorithms, and blockchain technology to create a secure, auditable layer of trusted data from IoMT devices that provides medical stakeholders with real world data for improved decision making and efficiencies. IoMT data ingested by HealthNet is normalized as HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), making them easily integrated with EHR systems. This information is housed in a cloud-based data warehousing environment, where it can be consolidated with data from multiple real-time or static sources. As a result, users can leverage a multitude of real world data sources to derive more robust insights and accelerate informed medical decision making.