“The Hashgraph Association’s deep multi-level relationship will enable us to integrate our cutting-edge digital asset solutions with more businesses in the Middle East and beyond,” states Blade Labs CEO, Sami Mian.
Author: Arun Shakyawar
Operating on BBAChain, the BTI Global Solution, also dubbed Decentralized Democracy (DeDe), aims to enhance the security and accountability of electoral systems.
The DePIN Base Camp selected six startups building applications, products, and protocols that utilize digital networks, decentralized infrastructures, and data services, unlocking the full potential of DePINs.
“Our goal is to create a compelling and fun gameplay experience that is improved upon with a robust in-game economy,” states Studio 369 CEO, Matt Candler.
“Integration with Stellar aligns with Taurus’ strategic growth as the blockchain has been optimized and built for asset tokenization,” states Jürgen Hofbauer, Head of Global Strategic Partnerships at Taurus.
“Ronin’s proven track record, scalability, and active community make it the ideal platform for us,” states Lumiterra Co-Founder CEO, Lark.
“The chosen teams are bridging the gap between traditional and decentralized finance, fostering innovation, and shaping our future today,” states Outlier Ventures’ RWA Accelerator Lead, Katie Lundie.
“Marinade is setting a new standard for Solana staking by eliminating smart contract risks through an automated delegation strategy,” states Marinade Core Contributor, Michael Repetny.
Kintsugi, recently selected for Japan’s $1 billion DigiDen initiative, becomes the first anime and manga platform to establish a Web3-centric, DNS-enabled domain in anticipation of next year’s ICANN gTLD initiative.
“With D-Expander, barriers to entry for spinning up a prover are drastically decreased and we have made decentralization actually achievable without forcing builders to sacrifice performance as they scale,” states Polyhedra Network Chief Cryptographer, Zhenfei Zhang.