Liquidity in the context of cryptocurrencies refers to the ability of a cryptocurrency to be quickly converted into fiat money or other cryptocurrencies.
Author: AlexaBlockchain
By the end of 2021, Tezos recorded over 33 million contract calls on mainnet with 24.5 million transactions being NFT related.
The decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) aimed at enabling community governance introduces itself to the Tezos community by airdropping 500 million tokens to users of the top Tezos platforms
UFO’s exponential growth over the past 6 months has given experts all indications that it will start competing with Axie in terms of both segment popularity and market cap.
Ontology’s wallet solution, ONTO Wallet, already has over 750k users, and will provide a gateway into Web3 for many more.
Built In just named trade surveillance firm to new list of Best Remote-First Companies.
Vena Consortium has been designed to provide one-stop solutions for governments and enterprises to tackle challenges in digital transformation with Venachain.
The metaverse started out as a word that belonged strictly to the sci-fi world, referring to a virtual universe commonly accessed by VR technology. Now, however,…
In Web 3.0, the first mover can establish a dominant position through their coin or token funding rounds, widening the moat for the second mover in the market.
Pocket RD is developing 3D Avatar and Blockchain XR technology solutions to enable people with more expressive ways to communicate.