For the time being the service includes bitcoin trading and custody option, other digital currencies will be offered over time.
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Cryptocurrency News
Read all the latest updates on cryptocurrency – news, prices, breakthroughs and analysis with emphasis on expert opinion and commentary from the crypto currency community.
Where Is the Cryptocurrency Industry Heading?
AlexaBlockchain provides latest cryptocurrency industry news, updates, trends, opinion and analysis to give a comprehensive view of where the crypto-currency industry heading?
Contrary to DLT-based settlement, this newly unveiled solution does not require assets and money to be tokenised.
China proposes global rules for central bank digital currenciesFrance, March 25, 2021 /AlexaBlockchain/ – China leads the way on global standards for central bank digital currencies by proposing a…
The report states that big players who buy and sell bitcoins have considerable market-moving power, and Bitcoin prices could continue to rise as long as asset managers and companies continue to enter the market.
Recent increased demand from institutional investors for the digital currency is the prime reason behind the exponential growth being exhibited by Bitcoin.
Combining Digital Yen and Digital Dollar into a Single Order Book will position GYEN with the same standing as JPY fiat
FXT, a trading technology platform that is currently running an ICO of its FXT tokens, has recorded more than 23,025% increase in its token holders and 19,554% increase in token transfers in one week
Xport is a crypto transfer gateway and digital wallet that offers cryptocurrency purchase services which allows users to buy from the listed cryptocurrencies on the platform
As of January 31, 2021, Bit Digital held 488.5 bitcoins in treasury, versus 262.6 bitcoins as of December 31, 2021.
Jamaica, Feb 26, 2021 /AlexaBlockchain/ – WiPay Caribbean, the largest online payments network in the Caribbean, has partnered with EMTECH, the Modern Central Bank Sandbox Platform, to develop a pilot…