Key Takeaways

  • Studio369 launches MetalCore’s third Closed Beta, introduces session-based PvP esports modes like Domination, Capture the Flag, and High-Value Target, alongside a new faction war-centric PvE mission in a dynamic open-world setting.
  • The beta will feature faction-based social hubs that allow players to connect, strategize, and build community within their chosen factions, enhancing the social and strategic aspects of gameplay.
  • Players can now use fiat currency to purchase in-game digital collectibles and SHARDS, an off-chain currency that plays a central role in the game’s economy.

Studio369, the creators of PvP mech shooter “MetalCore,” today announced its third Closed Beta (CB3) slated to commence on June 27th. This new beta period is marked by an array of fresh features that aims to boost player engagement within its expansive, war-torn universe.

The upcoming CB3 will introduce players to session-based PvP esports competitions, featuring strategic game modes like Domination, Capture the Flag, and High-Value Target. These intense, time-sensitive matches are designed to provide a competitive edge and showcase player skills in fast-paced scenarios.

In addition to PvP enhancements, the beta will unveil a faction war-centric PvE mission set in a dynamic open-world environment. Players will dive into the ongoing conflict among the game’s major factions—the Holy Corporation, Gearbreakers, and Metalpunks—unraveling a rich narrative woven through centuries of lore and large-scale battles.

A notable innovation in CB3 is the introduction of faction-based social hubs. These exclusive areas within the game will serve as gathering spots for faction members to strategize, socialize, and strengthen their community ties.

The financial model of MetalCore also evolves in this beta phase. Players will have the option to use fiat currency to acquire digital collectibles and SHARDS, an off-chain currency integral to the game’s economy. These purchases can enhance player progression, unlock cosmetic upgrades, and improve overall gameplay experience.

The anticipation for CB3 is high, building on the success of the previous Closed Beta 2.5, which saw 50,000 active participants logging an average of 10 hours of gameplay each. The new beta promises to expand on these foundations with additional levels of engagement and interaction.

“Our goal is to create a compelling and fun gameplay experience that is improved upon with a robust in-game economy,” said Matt Candler, CEO of Studio 369. “With this next phase of Closed Beta, we’ve taken community-driven development to the next level and have introduced leaderboards to add an extra layer of competition.”

As the launch date approaches, players eager to participate in CB3 can obtain access through the Epic Games Store. Those new to the beta can secure their spot by purchasing one of the five levels of Founders Packs, which include a variety of infantry, mechs, weapons, and shards, providing a comprehensive kit for anyone ready to jump into the fray.

Players interested in joining this groundbreaking phase of MetalCore can obtain access through the Epic Games Store key, available to returning players who already have their keys. Users without a beta access key can obtain guaranteed access to Closed Beta 3 by purchasing a Founders Pack.

Read Also: Studio 369 Unveils the ‘Barony’ Guild System in MetalCore, Enabling Gamers to Create a Micro-economy within the Game


Arun Shakyawar is a Tech writer based out of Los Angeles. He holds an Engineering degree in Electronics and communications, and an MBA in marketing. He specializes in TMT. Before writing full-time, Arun worked as a management consultant with leading consulting firms. As a consultant he developed interest in blockchain technology, and now actively tracks blockchain and digital asset markets. Arun can be reached at

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