Key Takeaways

  • Regulatory Timing: Jay Clayton’s observation that the SEC’s deferral aligns with the DC Circuit’s review timeline suggests that regulatory timing is a crucial factor in the Bitcoin ETF decision.
  • Inevitability of Approval: Clayton’s firm belief in Bitcoin’s non-security status and the growing demand from retail, institutional, and fiduciary investors underscores the inevitability of a Bitcoin ETF approval.
  • Shift in Perspective: Clayton noted a significant shift in perspective among institutions, with many now confident in the legitimacy of Bitcoin’s cash market, potentially signaling a pivotal moment in crypto regulation.
  • Complex Crypto Landscape: Highlighting the complexities of regulating cryptocurrency, Clayton emphasized the challenges of distinguishing between securities and non-securities offerings and trading, as well as addressing emerging innovations like stablecoins.

In an interview earlier today with CNBC, former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton discussed the ongoing saga surrounding the approval of the first U.S. Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) that directly invests in Bitcoin. The decision to defer the ETF applications comes hot on the heels of a court ruling that found the SEC’s previous rejection of Grayscale’s ETF application to be “arbitrary and capricious,” potentially opening the door for the regulator to approve such products. As Insped deferred its decision, a spokesperson for BlackRock also confirmed that their ETF application had been deferred. With the next deadlines for SEC decisions set for mid-October, the fall season looms as a critical time for cryptocurrency regulation.

Jay Clayton: It’s clear bitcoin is not a security and is something retail investors want access to. Video Credit: SQUAWK BOX

Clayton’s Perspective on the Delay

In the CNBC interview, Jay Clayton was asked by Scott Wapner whether he was surprised by the SEC’s decision to defer the applications in light of the recent court ruling.

Clayton responded, “No, I’m not surprised.” He pointed out that the timing of the deferral aligns closely with the timeline for action in the DC Circuit, which has raised questions about the adequacy of the SEC’s reasoning for rejecting spot Bitcoin ETFs.

Clayton noted that now there are two concurrent timeframes, providing the SEC with ample opportunity to reconsider its stance.

Industry Sentiment and Challenges

During the interview, the former SEC chairman also addressed the broader challenges faced by regulators in the crypto space.

He acknowledged the complexities of regulating cryptocurrency, emphasizing that it is a technology with various manifestations and products.

Clayton reminded viewers that when cryptocurrencies first entered retail markets, many projects violated securities laws by conducting public offerings without proper regulatory oversight, prompting the SEC to intervene.

Clayton also highlighted the blurred lines between securities offerings, securities trading, non-securities offerings, and non-securities trading, as well as the rise of stablecoins. He recognized the profit potential in these innovations but stressed that regulatory clarity is essential.

Inevitability of Approval

When asked if he would have approved a Bitcoin ETF if he were still in the SEC chair, Clayton refrained from giving a definitive answer. However, he expressed a clear stance on Bitcoin, saying, “It is clear that Bitcoin is not a security…approval is inevitable.”

He pointed out that both retail and institutional investors, along with trusted fiduciaries, want to provide Bitcoin exposure to the public.

Clayton also noted that the distinction between futures and cash products cannot persist indefinitely.

Futures ETF vs. Bitcoin ETF

Scott questioned Clayton about the delay in ETF applications and whether the SEC might be seeking alternative grounds for rejection.

Clayton responded by explaining his past concerns about the potential manipulability of cash trading in Bitcoin. However, he acknowledged that large institutions with surveillance mechanisms now believe the cash market is legitimate, marking a significant shift in perspective.

Gensler’s Role and the Industry’s Expectations

Finally, Clayton commented on the role of the current SEC Chairman, Gary Gensler, and the industry’s expectations.

He emphasized the need to give regulators time to assess the situation, especially considering the 45-day time periods for both the DC Circuit and the ETF application deferrals.

Clayton suggested that the industry’s confidence in the inevitability of Bitcoin ETF approval may be well-founded.

Overall, the SEC’s decision to defer Bitcoin ETF applications has left the crypto community eagerly awaiting the regulator’s next move. While former Chairman Jay Clayton believes that approval is inevitable, the complex nature of crypto regulation and the potential concerns surrounding cash markets continue to loom large. The fall season promises to be a critical time for the crypto industry as it watches closely for further developments in this regulatory saga.

Read Also: Former SEC Chairman Clayton Says Spot Bitcoin ETF Approval Becoming ‘Hard to Resist’


Ravi is Founder and Chief Content Officer of AlexaBlockchain. He writes about everything at the cross-section of blockchain, crypto, AI, markets, and the economy. Ravi can be reached at

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