In an era where cryptocurrencies have become as valuable as traditional currencies, the shadow of cybercrime looms larger than ever over the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry. In a recent incident, the crypto gaming platform PlayDapp experienced breaches that led to the loss of PLA tokens valued at $290 million, as per their market worth during the thefts.

Crypto Heist Jan-Feb 2023 vs Jan-Feb 2024

MonthAmount Stolen% difference
Jan-2023 $8,370,687
Jan-2024 $68,027,591713%
Feb-2023 $36,448,916
Feb-2024 $295,293,800710%
Crypto Heist Jan-Feb 2023 vs Jan-Feb 2024. Source: Comparitech

Data from Comparitech cast a stark light on this escalating threat, revealing that the United Kingdom now stands as the global epicenter of crypto-related criminal activities, accounting for a staggering 29% of all crypto heists among the top five countries by crime location. This alarming trend is underscored by the theft of an astronomical $11.4 billion worth of cryptocurrencies since 2011, marking a disturbing rise in both the frequency and sophistication of these digital heists. As the crypto community grapples with the reality of these losses, the urgent need for enhanced security measures and international cooperation to safeguard digital fortunes has never been more apparent.

Top Five Countries For Crypto Heist

Country No. of heists
New Zealand8
Top Five Countries For Crypto Heist. Source: Comparitech

Philip Hoey, Director of CoinJournal, expressed deep concern over these revelations, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced security measures and global collaboration to tackle the escalating threat.

“The data spells a troubling trend for the cryptocurrency industry,” Hoey remarked. “This not only highlights the need for heightened security measures but also calls for international collaboration to combat this issue.”

Indeed, the statistics paint a grim picture of the current state of affairs. January 2024 witnessed a staggering 713% year-on-year increase in the amount of crypto stolen, while February 2024 experienced a similar dramatic surge, soaring by 710% compared to the previous year. Such exponential growth in crypto crimes underscores the increasing boldness and sophistication of attackers in exploiting vulnerabilities within the digital ecosystem.

“As we witness the evolution of digital finance, it’s imperative that we also evolve our strategies to protect it,” Hoey asserted. “This includes enhancing security measures, promoting user education, and fostering international cooperation to deter and respond to crypto crimes more effectively.”

Crypto Heist By year

Year No. of Crypto Heist By year Amount stolen
20114 $2,306,090
201210 $1,017,674
201315 $6,583,688
201412 $482,988,689
20159 $8,562,523
20169 $130,763,469
201715 $324,099,164
201842 $1,221,505,787
201946 $345,417,856
202052 $504,262,721
2021136 $2,733,823,633
2022199 $3,545,028,168
2023283 $1,748,295,081
202424 $363,321,391
Total856 $11,417,975,934
Crypto Heist By year, 2011-2024. Source: Comparitech

Delving deeper into the data, the study reveals a troubling escalation in crypto thefts over the years. From a modest $2.3 million stolen in 2011 to a staggering $3.5 billion in 2022, the exponential rise in illicit activities mirrors the rapid expansion of the cryptocurrency market.

Notably, the UK leads the pack with 22 reported heists, followed by Japan and Lithuania with 14 each, while China and New Zealand trail closely behind. The distribution of crypto crimes across these regions underscores the global nature of the threat and the need for a coordinated response on an international scale.

While the allure of cryptocurrency continues to grow, so too does the specter of cybercrime. As the industry grapples with these challenges, the imperative for proactive measures to safeguard digital assets and preserve investor trust has never been more pressing. The road ahead demands a concerted effort from regulators, industry stakeholders, and law enforcement agencies to stem the tide of crypto-related offenses and uphold the integrity of the financial system.

Read Also: Crypto Industry Loses Over $1.3B in 2023 in Hacks and Frauds


Arun Shakyawar is a Tech writer based out of Los Angeles. He holds an Engineering degree in Electronics and communications, and an MBA in marketing. He specializes in TMT. Before writing full-time, Arun worked as a management consultant with leading consulting firms. As a consultant he developed interest in blockchain technology, and now actively tracks blockchain and digital asset markets. Arun can be reached at

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