Key Takeaways

  • “Sign in with Worldcoin” integrates World ID verification with Auth0 Marketplace.
  • The integration prioritizes user privacy by generating zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) on users’ devices. Unique ZKPs for each app prevent user traceability, enhancing privacy.
  • By verifying users as humans, developers can significantly reduce the impact of digital ad fraud, which is expected to reach $100 billion worldwide in 2023.
  • The integration process for developers is user-friendly and straightforward.

In a groundbreaking move, Sam Altman’s Worldcoin has partnered with Okta’s Auth0 Marketplace to introduce ‘Sign in with Worldcoin’, marking a significant milestone for both Worldcoin and its digital identity protocol, World ID, the firm said in a press release shared with AlexaBlockchain.

This integration brings together millions of World ID-verified individuals with tens of thousands of applications and online services available on the Auth0 Marketplace. By prioritizing user privacy and combating bot traffic, this integration offers a transformative solution for user verification and protection.

To sign in to a given app or service, a World ID-verified user simply clicks the “Sign in with Worldcoin” button.

Let’s analyze how the integration of “Sign in with Worldcoin” on Auth0 Marketplace revolutionizes user verification, enhances privacy, combats bot traffic, and offers easy integration for developers.

Enhanced User Experience and Privacy

“Sign in with Worldcoin” streamlines the registration and login process for users, developers, and applications while ensuring the utmost privacy. World ID-verified users can simply click the “Sign in with Worldcoin” button and scan the provided QR code using their World App or compatible World ID wallet. This simple process grants developers an app-specific nullifier hash, confirming the user’s human status while preserving their privacy. Developers can also view the user’s chosen verification method, adding an extra layer of transparency.

Flexible World ID Verification

World ID verification can be achieved through two methods: phone verification or by utilizing the Orb, a pioneering biometric imaging device developed specifically for establishing personhood in the Worldcoin project. Users can opt for functionally limited verification via phone, or undergo a comprehensive verification process using the Orb for full verification. This flexibility caters to users’ preferences and allows them to choose the level of verification that aligns with their needs.

Easy Integration for Developers

For organizations keen on incorporating “Sign in with Worldcoin,” the integration process is remarkably straightforward. Developers register their app via the Worldcoin Developer Portal and receive a client ID and client secret. These credentials are then entered into the Auth0 dashboard, along with the redirect URL provided by Auth0, enabling seamless integration. This user-friendly approach encourages widespread adoption of the integration among developers and ensures a smooth experience for end users.

Advantages for Worldcoin and World ID

The integration of “Sign in with Worldcoin” offers numerous benefits to Worldcoin, World ID, and its users. Firstly, it empowers developers by providing a powerful tool for verifying users as humans, effectively combating bot traffic. In an era where digital ad fraud caused primarily by bots is projected to reach a staggering $100 billion globally in 2023, the ability to confidently identify genuine human users is of utmost importance.

Moreover, the integration prioritizes user privacy. By generating zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) on users’ devices, the protocol attests to their proof of personhood without revealing unnecessary personal information. Each app accessed by the user generates a unique ZKP, ensuring that accounts across different platforms cannot be traced back to a single individual.

Overall, the introduction of “Sign in with Worldcoin” on the Auth0 Marketplace represents a major leap forward in user verification and privacy. Through the World ID digital identity protocol, Worldcoin enables users to seamlessly access a multitude of applications and services while maintaining their privacy. This integration not only benefits developers by offering a robust solution against bot traffic but also empowers users by granting them greater control over their personal information. As the benefits of web3 technology expand to encompass various identity use cases, this integration serves as a beacon for a new era of privacy and security in the digital landscape.

Read Also: ChatGPT Founder Finalizing $100M Funding Round To Launch The Worldcoin


Ravi is Founder and Chief Content Officer of AlexaBlockchain. He writes about everything at the cross-section of blockchain, crypto, AI, markets, and the economy. Ravi can be reached at

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