Key Takeaways

  • UltronGlow, a Web3 protocol that offers decentralized storage for the sharing economy, has launched the next phase of its decentralized file storage network with a public beta.
  • The UltronGlow network provides an alternative to the current cloud storage oligarchy, allowing individuals with 1TB of free space to rent it out for others to use.
  • The UltronGlow network offers a robust incentive structure for beta participants, protection from service failure, censorship, and data theft, and lower fees for renters than other decentralized file storage providers.
  • With cloud storage subscriptions ranking among the most popular, UltronGlow’s decentralized network presents a massive opportunity for individuals to earn income by sharing their extra storage space.
  • The company is also offering an industry-first capability to mirror storage instances across multiple devices, making it more secure and less prone to downtimes.

UltronGlow, a new Web3 protocol for decentralized file storage, has launched the public beta for its decentralized storage network. Following a successful alpha test period, the UltronGlow network now offers an alternative to traditional centralized cloud storage solutions.

UltronGlow is a Singapore-based decentralized storage network that uses a combination of four consensus mechanisms, collectively referred to as the GLOW consensus. This innovative technology allows individuals to monetize their extra storage space by providing it to others and receiving rewards for their contributions.

The team behind UltronGlow consists of experienced software engineers and serial entrepreneurs who have previously worked at companies like Microsoft and Consensys. Additionally, UltronGlow is affiliated with the Ada Byron Foundation.

Anyone can join the public beta by providing at least 1TB of free storage space. The UltronGlow network also offers lower fees for renters compared to other decentralized storage providers. Incentives are available for those participating in the beta program.

Cloud storage subscriptions are popular and growing, with total revenues for cloud storage providers expected to nearly triple in size to over $236.4 billion by 2028. With the expected growth in cloud storage use, Web3 provides an opportunity for individuals to earn income by renting out their unused storage space for on-demand use by others.

The UltronGlow Network offers a unique ability to mirror storage instances across multiple devices.

Jason Anderson, the chief technology evangelist at the Ada Byron Foundation, stated that “UltronGlow is leading the charge, enabling people to take the power back from companies and put it back into the hands of the individual.”

The decentralized nature of UltronGlow ensures its security and reduces the risk of downtime. The network’s many redundancies ensure it is always online, and the ownership of data always remains with the individual.

UltronGlow’s decentralized model also provides protection against censorship and data theft, removing the need to sign long pages of legal documents.

Read Also: What is Datamall Chain? A decentralized storage solution for web3.0 and dApps


Arun Shakyawar is a Tech writer based out of Los Angeles. He holds an Engineering degree in Electronics and communications, and an MBA in marketing. He specializes in TMT. Before writing full-time, Arun worked as a management consultant with leading consulting firms. As a consultant he developed interest in blockchain technology, and now actively tracks blockchain and digital asset markets. Arun can be reached at

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