As the convergence of AI and blockchain technology continues to gain momentum, exciting new use cases are emerging at the intersection of these two innovative fields. From decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) powered by AI algorithms to secure and transparent supply chain management systems, the potential for AI and blockchain to transform a wide range of industries is truly staggering. TRON DAO has launched a $100 million Artificial Intelligence Development Fund to encourage the integration of AI technology with blockchain.

The four initial areas of focus are A.I. Service Payment Platform, A.I. Infused Oracles, A.I. Informed Investment Management Services, and A.I. Generated Content. However, developers with unique ideas are encouraged to apply for funding.

A.I. Service Payment Platform will be infused into TRON’s decentralized financial infrastructure, enabling self-learning, adaptable capabilities in decentralized commerce, including smart contract creation and deployment, payment layer protocols, A.I. payment gateways, and currency settlement. This will provide opportunities for automated revenue generation and expedited digital commerce.

TRON’s blockchain network is well-suited for A.I. integration, with its BitTorrent Chain providing data-focused Layer2 blockchain and BTFS decentralized file storage system. A.I. will enhance the performance of all data-related aspects, including API communication, enabling developers to build automated adjustments for optimized user experiences and dApp data transactions.

Using A.I. technology, investment management services in the TRON ecosystem will be able to create complex algorithms, analyze market trends in real-time, discover advanced strategies, and make more insightful investment decisions. This will improve DeFi lending platforms’ ability to predict the direction of assets and reduce the risk of default. A.I. will also enhance on-chain investing by informing analysis and writing smarter smart contracts for better returns.

Integrating A.I. into content generation will increase efficiency and allow for on-the-go user research to inform creators and developers of market wants and needs. This will enhance NFT utilization and empower the NFT use cases of the future.

The blending of A.I. and blockchain technology will create a secure, trustworthy, tamper-proof, uncensorable, and adaptable decentralized intelligent ecosystem. H.E. Justin Sun, the founder of TRON, hopes that developers will use A.I. in current and future applications built on the TRON blockchain and apply for grants from the TRON Artificial Intelligence Development Fund.

Read Also: UniCask and CrowdSmart Join Forces to Revolutionize DAO Decision-Making with AI


Ravi is Founder and Chief Content Officer of AlexaBlockchain. He writes about everything at the cross-section of blockchain, crypto, AI, markets, and the economy. Ravi can be reached at

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