The third edition of highly anticipated India Blockchain Tour (IBT) kicked off today in Delhi. Backed by prominent industry players such as KuCoinInterakt, and Binamite, this year’s tour promises to be a monumental event, fostering community engagement across the country.

The tour kicks off in Delhi, having already garnered a robust reception, and will span major cities including Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Kolkata from July 13 to August 31, 2024. This series of events aims to ignite conversations around Web3, blockchain technology, and the future of money, drawing in developers, industry leaders, and blockchain enthusiasts from all corners of India.

Octaloop’s IBT is not just a series of conferences; it’s a movement designed to explore the burgeoning potential of blockchain technology in India. Since its inception, the tour has become a crucible for networking and knowledge-sharing, amassing a community of over 400,000 members. Key figures in this community include industry stalwarts such as Om Malviya from Tezos India, Raj Kapoor from India Blockchain Alliance, Aishwary Gupta from Polygon Labs, and Alvin Hu from KuCoin.

This year’s lineup of speakers is equally impressive, featuring luminaries like Devika Mittal, South Asia Head of AVA Labs, Hrishikesh Nashikkar, Head of Blockchain at NPCI, and Hema Dubey, VP of Marketing at Interakt. Their insights are expected to shed light on the latest developments and future directions in the blockchain space.

“Community has always been key to almost all Web3 projects – it brings together a place where one can belong. Contrary to how centralized companies work, Web3, due to its decentralization, thrives on community,” Octaloop Founder, Anupam Varshney, said.

Reflecting on the journey from the first event in Delhi in 2016 to the expansive tour planned for 2024, Varshney notes the consistently overwhelming response and the pivotal role of local communities in shaping the Web3 landscape.

The significance of such an event is underscored by a recent “Into the Cryptoverse Report” by KuCoin, which reveals that over 115 million Indians have invested in cryptocurrencies, with investments projected to surpass $241 million by 2030. This highlights the critical need to build awareness and promote decentralized networks, a core focus of the IBT.

Octaloop, recognized as India’s leading Web3 consulting and marketing firm, has a storied history of catalyzing the blockchain movement in the country. In 2018, it organized India’s largest blockchain meetup in partnership with Cointelegraph. Under Varshney’s leadership, Octaloop has been instrumental in bringing together thousands of crypto enthusiasts through its flagship events.

The India Blockchain Tour 2024 will be showcasing India’s growing influence in the global blockchain landscape and providing valuable insights and strategies for navigating this dynamic industry.

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R Shah is a journalist and writer based out of Delhi, India. She is an Economics graduate from Delhi University. She can be reached at

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