MultiversX has collaborated with eCornell to provide underprivileged college students with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of blockchain technology through a specialized program.

This initiative builds upon MultiversX’s established commitment to education, evident through its prior collaborations with esteemed institutions like the University of Vienna and ELTE Budapest. By teaming up with eCornell, MultiversX aims to extend the reach of its educational endeavors, ensuring that aspiring blockchain enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds have the chance to explore the transformative potential of this burgeoning field.

The program, named the Blockchain Essentials Certificate Program, is set to kick off this summer, offering 100 deserving students from across the globe the chance to participate. Notably, MultiversX has pledged full sponsorship for all enrolled students, covering their course fees and eliminating financial barriers that might impede their educational pursuits.

Participants will embark on a comprehensive journey through eCornell’s Blockchain Certificate Program, meticulously crafted by Cornell faculty members renowned for their expertise across various domains. The curriculum promises to equip learners with a nuanced understanding of blockchain fundamentals, preparing them for the practical challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in this rapidly evolving landscape.

What sets this initiative apart is its hands-on approach, wherein students, upon completing the eCornell program, will engage in a practical challenge utilizing the MultiversX technology stack. This immersive experience not only reinforces theoretical learning but also empowers students to apply their newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios, setting the stage for future innovation and entrepreneurship.

Beniamin Mincu, CEO of MultiversX, said: “Blockchain is an open book for anyone willing to read it. We’re still at the beginning of this story, so there’s plenty of room for anyone with innovative ideas that they want to bring to fruition.”

“MultiversX’s collaboration with eCornell highlights our commitment to making our technology accessible to different communities all over the world, and it’s just one of the ways we’re streamlining the onboarding of builders to Web3 and to our ecosystem,” Mincu added.

Furthermore, the program doesn’t conclude with coursework; it extends into mentorship, support, and potential funding opportunities for students eager to embark on blockchain projects aimed at catalyzing positive change within their communities.

By nurturing the next generation of blockchain innovators, MultiversX aims to catalyze a wave of transformative initiatives that harness the full potential of decentralized technologies.

Read Also: MultiversX Launches xSpotlight – A New Web3 Culture Hub


R Shah is a journalist and writer based out of Delhi, India. She is an Economics graduate from Delhi University. She can be reached at

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