In a remarkable shift of perspective, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink has transitioned from labeling Bitcoin as an “index of money laundering” in 2017 to recognizing its potential as a revolutionary force in finance, and considering it “an international asset”. Fink made the latest remarks during an interview on Fox Business on 5 July. This change in perspective reflects the evolving acceptance of digital assets and highlights the transformative power of asset tokenization in the financial industry.

The CEO of the world’s largest asset manager believes that the tokenization of assets and the use of Bitcoin could potentially bring about a revolution in the financial industry.

“We do believe that if we can create more tokenization of assets and securities – that’s what bitcoin is – it could revolutionize finance,” Larry said.

Fink emphasized that the concept behind Bitcoin, often referred to as “digital gold,” goes beyond being a mere cryptocurrency. According to him, Bitcoin represents a form of tokenization, where assets and securities can be digitized and traded on blockchain networks, offering unprecedented possibilities for the financial market.

The BlackRock CEO drew a contrast between Bitcoin and traditional investment options such as gold. While gold has long been considered a hedge against inflation or country-specific economic problems, Fink argues that Bitcoin, as an international asset, transcends the limitations associated with any specific currency. He suggests that Bitcoin could serve as an alternative investment that allows people to safeguard their wealth regardless of their location or the monetary policies of their respective countries.

“Instead of investing in gold as a hedge against inflation, a hedge against the onerous problems of any one country, or the devaluation of your currency whatever country you’re in – let’s be clear, bitcoin is an international asset, it’s not based on any one currency and so it can represent an asset that people can play as an alternative,” Fink noted.

Fink’s remarks align with the growing interest in digital assets among institutional investors. BlackRock itself has been cautiously exploring cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, acknowledging their potential to reshape financial markets. The company has taken steps to incorporate digital assets into some of its funds and has indicated a willingness to explore opportunities in the cryptocurrency space. Most recently, it filed an application for the creation of a spot Bitcoin ETF.

The concept of tokenization, which Fink mentions, involves converting real-world assets into digital tokens that can be easily traded on blockchain networks. This process has the potential to unlock liquidity and enable fractional ownership of traditionally illiquid assets, such as real estate or art. Tokenization also has implications for streamlining processes in the financial industry, including settlement and clearing, making transactions more efficient and transparent.

While Fink’s comments highlight the potential benefits of tokenization and Bitcoin, it is important to note that these technologies are still in their early stages and face regulatory and technological challenges. The adoption of digital assets on a larger scale will require robust frameworks and infrastructure to ensure investor protection, regulatory compliance, and interoperability between different platforms.

Nonetheless, Fink’s endorsement of tokenization and Bitcoin represents a significant development in the mainstream acceptance of digital assets. As one of the most influential figures in global finance, his positive stance could encourage other institutional investors and financial institutions to explore the potential benefits and opportunities associated with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

As the financial industry continues to evolve, it is evident that digital assets, tokenization, and blockchain technology are gaining recognition as potential game-changers. While the path to widespread adoption may be complex, Fink’s remarks serve as a testament to the transformative potential of these technologies and their ability to revolutionize the world of finance.

Read Also: MicroStrategy Adds 12,333 BTC to Its Staggering Bitcoin Holdings


Ravi is Founder and Chief Content Officer of AlexaBlockchain. He writes about everything at the cross-section of blockchain, crypto, AI, markets, and the economy. Ravi can be reached at

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