Going back to the good old days of mobile gaming, it all began with the iconic and straightforward game, Snake, which holds a special place in the hearts of many mobile users. This was initially introduced by Nokia and pre-installed on the majority of their mobile devices, Snake quickly became a phenomenon that laid the foundation for the future of mobile gaming.

As mobile technology advanced over the years, so did the capabilities of mobile games. Color screens replaced monochrome displays, and graphics became more sophisticated. From games like Snake, Tetris, Space Impact, and Bantumi, it transitioned to colored games like Bounce and Prince of Persia. This advancement allowed developers to explore new game concepts and create more visually appealing and immersive experiences.

The emergence of blockchain technology has undeniably restructured the gaming landscape. It introduces a new era of interaction, engagement, and income generation within virtual worlds. The impact and potential of Web3 gaming are truly remarkable as it does transform the gaming industry in unspeakable ways. From the inclusion of transparency and fairness to the exciting prospects of monetization and decentralized finance, Web3 gaming indeed represents a significant leap forward in the evolution of gaming as we know it.

Web3 gaming is an ever-evolving landscape that continually introduces new platforms and experiences for players. The industry’s innovative spirit allowed the emergence of exciting platforms that push the boundaries of what is possible in gaming.

Have you heard of Axie Infinity? It was a massive sensation back in its prime days. Axie Infinity is a blockchain-based decentralized application (DApp) that quickly garnered a devoted player base, many are enticed by the prospect of earning cryptocurrency while indulging in gameplay. This game brought about the creation of numerous crypto millionaires, propelling them from humble beginnings to remarkable wealth – a true “rags to riches” tale. These stories have captured the interest of many, captivating the masses with their narratives of incredible transformation, unwavering resilience, and ultimate triumph. To sum it up, Axie marked the beginning of the mainstream adoption of Web3 gaming.

How can you also achieve such exceptional success? What steps do you need to take to earn in Web3 gaming while having fun?

First off, start by researching different crypto mobile gaming platforms to find the ones that align with your interests and gameplay preferences. Look for games that have a proven track record of offering rewards and are well-regarded within the crypto gaming community. There has been a notable emphasis on studying financial knowledge acquisition and exploring the connections between knowledge, time, and investment. Here, one should start answering the questions, where will you invest your time? What are your best options out there?

In the current web3 gaming landscape, several noteworthy web3 mobile games are Axie, F1, Delta Time, and many more. There are also gaming platforms where you could find a great selection of games to choose from. Some of these are Elixir, Gala Games, and Sandbox. While those three are some of the established platforms in the Web3 mobile gaming space, the upcoming rise of PERPLAY is one that we find promising. PERPLAY is an emerging Game and Earn Platform in which its Pre-OBT will soon be exclusively available for their Genesis NFT holders. It embodies the vast potential of Web3 gaming. Distinguishing itself from the rest, PERPLAY adopts a groundbreaking approach, enabling individuals to earn digital rewards while granting them the freedom to play the games they love.

Next will be to understand the game mechanics. You must take the time to understand the game mechanics and how the in-game economy works. Learn about the different tokens or cryptocurrencies used in the game and how you can earn or acquire them. Let’s take PERPLAY as an example. In PERPLAY, you can earn virtual currency called XPER & PER tokens as rewards for playing. When you find yourself with a few precious minutes or mere seconds to spare, playing with PERPLAY is undeniably worthwhile. In economic terms, the concept of optimizing time and maximizing value is essential in various contexts, including the gaming industry.

Additionally, you must also consider being updated in Crypto Gaming Trends. Nowadays, you should look into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): These are exclusive digital assets that symbolize ownership of in-game items, artwork, or collectibles. Certain games provide NFTs that can be purchased, sold, or traded, presenting an enticing opportunity for potential profit-making. PERPLAY also offers Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) vehicles. These NFTs influence the way how users can maximize their earning potential while playing games in PERPLAY. The higher rated the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) are, and as to how many you own, the better. PERPLAY’s integration of NFTs amplifies engagement within the platform.

Above all, let your passion drive you forward, and remember to focus on what truly ignites your enthusiasm. Embrace the joy of pursuing what you love.

Unlike many Web3 gaming platforms that restrict users to specific genres or limited game options to earn rewards, PERPLAY breaks free from these constraints. It offers a vast array of choices, ranging from action, adventure, puzzle, RPGs, FPS, and more, granting you the freedom to select the games that truly resonate with your preferences. This gaming platform provides the convenience of a personalized game library, allowing users to add and play any game of their choice while simultaneously incentivizing their time in playing. It is promoting a dynamic and engaging environment for players of all interests. This liberating experience empowers you with a sense of control which is a breakthrough for everyone.

As Cal Newport states:
“Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it.”

Web3 gaming presents exciting opportunities. Nevertheless, gamers should approach it with caution, and conduct thorough research to avoid scams. It is essential to balance between enjoying the game experience and managing the risks. Creating your own story of success is undeniably possible. This promises an exhilarating journey of boundless possibilities. You can be successful through various strategies, including resilience, perseverance, continuous learning, and a deep understanding of your aspirations and dreams.

Read Also: How Web3 Gaming Drives Social Impact and Economic Empowerment?


R Shah is a journalist and writer based out of Delhi, India. She is an Economics graduate from Delhi University. She can be reached at R.Shah@alexablockchain.com.

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