Thursday, September 19

Key Takeaways

  • TON boasts an impressive 900 million users, primarily in Russia and CIS countries, but its adoption in key markets like the U.S. and India remains limited.
  • While TON’s technical architecture makes it a serious competitor to Ethereum, particularly in multi-chain capabilities and smart contract flexibility, its weak lending infrastructure and low trading activity hamper its DeFi growth.
  • TON’s integration with Telegram has driven user engagement and adoption, but the close association may expose the ecosystem to regulatory scrutiny. The report hints at the need for “de-Telegramization” for long-term sustainability.
  • TON has seen a remarkable surge in activity, with daily transactions growing 12-fold in a year and TVL increasing 18 times in six months, but maintaining this momentum will require addressing regulatory and technical challenges while expanding beyond its current user base.

The Open Network (TON), a blockchain born out of Telegram’s ambitious efforts, has positioned itself as a potential challenger to Ethereum, driven by a robust ecosystem and impressive growth metrics. A new report from leading crypto exchange Bitget delves into the strengths, weaknesses, and future trajectory of the TON ecosystem, offering a nuanced view of the platform’s potential in the ever-evolving Web3 landscape.

A Surge in Users and Activity, But With Regional Constraints

TON boasts an impressive 900 million active users globally, primarily concentrated in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) regions, including Ukraine. While such a massive user base gives TON a competitive edge, its reliance on a regionally specific audience raises questions about its global scalability. India, Brazil, and the U.S. trail behind in adoption, signaling a need for the network to expand its footprint beyond its stronghold in the CIS.

Moreover, TON’s ecosystem has seen significant traction, with daily transactions skyrocketing from 100,000 to 1.2 million over the past year. These figures are bolstered by the platform’s decentralized finance (DeFi) offerings, including cross-chain bridges, decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and launchpads, with the total value locked (TVL) reaching $350 million—a striking 18-fold increase in just six months. However, despite these impressive numbers, the report flags that TON’s trading volume, while up from $2 million to $40 million in 2024, still pales compared to Ethereum’s sprawling DeFi ecosystem.

Technical Strengths and Ecosystem Development

TON’s technical framework sets it apart from Ethereum and other competing blockchains. Bitget’s report highlights TON’s multi-chain architecture, asynchronous smart contract calls, and proxy solutions, positioning it as a serious contender to Ethereum’s dominance. These innovations, combined with the increasing adoption of decentralized applications (dApps) across DeFi, GameFi, and CeDeFi sectors, have helped TON carve out a unique space in the market.

Yet, the platform’s deep integration with Telegram, once its primary growth driver, is now a double-edged sword. Telegram-based apps and bots have propelled user activity, particularly in on-chain gaming. But as TON continues to grow, its close ties to the messaging giant could expose it to regulatory risks, particularly in regions where Telegram is under scrutiny. The Bitget report hints that TON is aware of this and may seek to distance itself from Telegram in the future—a move termed “de-Telegramization”—in order to broaden its appeal and mitigate potential regulatory hurdles.

DeFi Gaps and Expansion Challenges

Despite TON’s technical prowess and explosive growth, the Bitget report identifies critical areas where the ecosystem falls short. The most glaring issue is the platform’s limited lending options. In a crypto space where DeFi thrives on lending and borrowing activity, TON’s weak lending infrastructure stunts its ability to compete with more mature ecosystems like Ethereum and Solana. This could slow down its expansion, especially as demand for DeFi services grows globally.

Additionally, while the ecosystem is rich in potential, actual trading activity remains lackluster compared to its rivals. If TON aims to become a significant player in the global blockchain ecosystem, addressing these DeFi shortcomings will be crucial. Expansion beyond its current strongholds in the CIS will also require overcoming both technical and regulatory barriers.

The Path Forward: A Balancing Act Between Growth and Regulation

As TON’s ecosystem matures, it faces a crucial crossroads. The platform’s continued reliance on Telegram’s massive user base could help it grow in the short term, but long-term success will depend on its ability to stand independently from its parent network. This separation is necessary not only to attract a broader user base but also to mitigate regulatory risks. Additionally, as TON ventures into more traditional finance sectors, such as CeDeFi, collaboration with established partners like HashKey Group, Fireblocks, and USDT will be key.

The Bitget report concludes with a cautiously optimistic outlook: while TON’s token price and TVL are expected to rise in tandem with broader market trends, the platform must address its structural weaknesses to compete on a global scale. Its strong technical foundation and strategic partnerships put TON in a promising position, but its future hinges on overcoming its DeFi gaps, expanding its user base beyond the CIS, and navigating an increasingly complex regulatory landscape.

Overall, TON stands at the cusp of major growth, but its success will depend on how effectively it can address its regional constraints, trading volume issues, and DeFi infrastructure weaknesses. If these challenges are met head-on, TON could very well emerge as a formidable challenger in the next wave of blockchain adoption.

Read Also: Iconic Flappy Bird Returns Exclusively on Telegram


Arun Shakyawar is a Tech writer based out of Los Angeles. He holds an Engineering degree in Electronics and communications, and an MBA in marketing. He specializes in TMT. Before writing full-time, Arun worked as a management consultant with leading consulting firms. As a consultant he developed interest in blockchain technology, and now actively tracks blockchain and digital asset markets. Arun can be reached at

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