Bitget, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has unveiled its ambitious global recruitment initiative, the Bitget Builders Program. Far from a mere hiring spree, this program signals a strategic pivot towards harnessing the influence of key opinion leaders (KOLs) to drive widespread crypto adoption.

A Strategic Push for Global Influence

Bitget’s latest announcement comes at a time when the cryptocurrency market is undergoing both significant growth and scrutiny. The exchange’s move to onboard an additional 3,000 crypto influencers, adding to the 5,000 already involved. This initiative aims not just to boost Bitget’s brand presence but to catalyze a broader movement towards crypto adoption, targeting what the company describes as the “next billion users.”

The emphasis on global recruitment, without restrictions on geographic boundaries, indicates Bitget’s recognition of the diverse and decentralized nature of the crypto ecosystem. By tapping into a worldwide pool of talent, the company seeks to leverage localized expertise and community-driven engagement, which are crucial for driving adoption in varied regulatory environments and cultural contexts.

A Gig Economy for the Crypto Age

In line with broader trends in the labor market, where traditional 9-to-5 jobs are increasingly being supplanted by freelance and gig opportunities, Bitget’s Builders Program offers a compelling vision of the future of work within the crypto space. The initiative aligns with recent predictions from LinkedIn’s founder, who has forecasted the obsolescence of traditional employment by 2034. Bitget’s program positions itself at the forefront of this shift, offering participants not just financial incentives but also a path to professional independence.

The program’s structure, which categorizes participants into “Trading Builders,” “Brand Builders,” and “Community Builders,” reflects a nuanced understanding of the different roles required to foster a thriving crypto ecosystem. Each category addresses a specific need within the broader market:

  • Trading Builders: Seasoned traders are tasked with onboarding new users and guiding them through their initial trading experiences, ensuring that newcomers can navigate the complexities of the crypto market with confidence.
  • Brand Builders: These individuals will serve as brand custodians, creating strategic content that promotes responsible trading and risk awareness, which are increasingly vital in a market rife with volatility and misinformation.
  • Community Builders: Focused on grassroots engagement, these builders will foster tight-knit communities that are passionate about crypto, thereby creating a network of advocates who can drive organic adoption.

Incentivizing the Future of Crypto

Bitget’s approach to rewarding these builders is both generous and strategic. By offering significant commissions, exclusive event rewards, and comprehensive training, the company ensures that Trading Builders are not only motivated but also equipped to succeed. Similarly, Brand Builders and Community Builders receive tailored incentives that align with their roles, from content creation subsidies to community management funds.

This reward structure highlights Bitget’s understanding that successful crypto adoption requires more than just technological infrastructure—it needs a robust, informed, and engaged community. By investing in these builders, Bitget is effectively investing in the future of crypto itself.

The Bigger Picture

Bitget’s Builders Program is more than just a recruitment drive; it is a calculated effort to accelerate the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency by creating micro-ecosystems around the world. The program reflects a growing recognition within the industry that influencers and KOLs play a crucial role in shaping public perception and driving behavioral change.

As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, initiatives like the Bitget Builders Program will likely become increasingly common. They represent a new frontier in how companies engage with their audiences, blending the lines between marketing, community building, and education.

Read Also: Why Identifying Promising Early-Stage Tokens is Challenging, Finds Bitget Research and Nansen


R Shah is a journalist and writer based out of Delhi, India. She is an Economics graduate from Delhi University. She can be reached at

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