Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, has once again made headlines as it surges to near all-time highs, reaching almost $69,000. Amidst this meteoric rise, William Quigley, co-founder of Tether, a leading stablecoin provider, offered insightful commentary on CNBC’s ‘Squawk on the Street’. Quigley delved into the fundamental analysis of money flows into Bitcoin, shedding light on the evolving landscape of institutional and retail investment within the crypto sphere.

Discussing the impending halving event scheduled for April, Quigley emphasized the significant shift in market dynamics compared to the last halving cycle four years ago.

He highlighted the absence of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and the nascent nature of derivative markets during the previous cycle. Contrary to then, the current scenario paints a bullish picture, with ETFs now holding approximately $50 billion worth of Bitcoin, signifying a surge in institutional interest.

Quigley’s observations underscore the maturation of Bitcoin’s ecosystem, bolstered by burgeoning derivative volumes and robust institutional inflows, setting the stage for a potential price surge post-halving.

When prompted to elucidate the blend of institutional and retail participation in Bitcoin’s rally, Quigley elucidated a paradigm shift from predominantly retail-driven demand to a more balanced interplay between institutional and retail investors.

He attributed this transformation to heightened institutional engagement, drawn by Bitcoin’s intrinsic characteristics, particularly its volatility. Quigley remarked on Bitcoin’s unique position as a sentiment-driven asset, devoid of traditional valuation metrics, making it a magnet for speculative interest.

With institutional players increasingly recognizing Bitcoin’s potential as a portfolio diversifier, the cryptocurrency’s ascent may reflect a convergence of institutional endorsement and retail enthusiasm.

Furthermore, Quigley ventured into speculative territory, extrapolating historical patterns to envisage Bitcoin’s potential trajectory.

While refraining from definitive predictions, he hinted at the possibility of Bitcoin surpassing the $300,000 mark during the peak of the next bull market, based on historical precedents. Such projections, if materialized, could reverberate across the broader cryptocurrency market, propelling altcoins like Ethereum and Solana in tandem with Bitcoin’s ascent.

Quigley’s insights offer a multifaceted perspective on Bitcoin’s current rally, encapsulating its evolution from a niche retail-driven asset to a mainstream investment vehicle attracting institutional capital. As Bitcoin continues to redefine traditional notions of finance, the interplay between institutional adoption and retail fervor promises to shape the trajectory of not only Bitcoin but the broader cryptocurrency market in the foreseeable future.

Read Also: 84 Percent of Crypto Investors Predict Bitcoin Halving to Propel BTC Price Beyond Previous All-time High


Arun Shakyawar is a Tech writer based out of Los Angeles. He holds an Engineering degree in Electronics and communications, and an MBA in marketing. He specializes in TMT. Before writing full-time, Arun worked as a management consultant with leading consulting firms. As a consultant he developed interest in blockchain technology, and now actively tracks blockchain and digital asset markets. Arun can be reached at

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